Theater Review: Red Cup Theatre Co’s Turtles

We open on a stretch of land somewhere in the midwest, where a family of three is living, homeless, underneath a billboard announcing the upcoming return of Jesus Christ. From this unexpected setting stems a series of questions and occurrences that will keep you guessing even after the story reaches its conclusion. Turtles, a play … More Theater Review: Red Cup Theatre Co’s Turtles

Theater Review: The Hairy Ape at Odyssey Theatre

When Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape debuted in 1922, it caused quite a stir. The mayor of New York tried to shut down the original production, worried it would inspire labor protests, and even the FBI noted the work was dangerously close to being radical propaganda. Nearly a century later, this rarely produced, expressionist examination of class divides, … More Theater Review: The Hairy Ape at Odyssey Theatre

My Favorite Figure Skating Performances of the 2015-2016 Season

Just like last year, I interrupt our regularly scheduled theater and television programming to turn the attention to my favorite sport, figure skating, as we revisit my favorite performances of the season. In no particular order… Ashley Wagner (USA) 2016 World Championships Long Program Music: Moulin Rouge This year, I was lucky enough to attend … More My Favorite Figure Skating Performances of the 2015-2016 Season